Himalayan Pink Bath Salts by Mama Loves Natural
Himalayan Pink Bath Salts by Mama Loves Natural
Code: MLN-093

Mama Loves Natural Himalayan Pink Bath Salts: A Soothing Spa Experience

Looking for a way to unwind and pamper yourself after a long day? Mama Loves Natural Himalayan Pink Bath Salts are here to save the day! These salts are not only visually stunning with their pink hue, but they also work wonders on your skin. Treat yourself to a well-deserved break with a sprinkle of these luxurious salts in your bath. Get ready to feel refreshed and rejuvenated in no time!


Mama Loves Natural Himalayan Pink Bath Salts are considered to be the purest hand-mined salts which originated from 200 million year old sea salt deposits covered by lava during the creation of the Himalayan mountains.Being kept in this untouched, pristine environment that has been surrounded with snow and ice for so many years, means that the salt has been protected from modern day pollution. Many people believe that this pink salt from the Himalayas is the purest salt that can be found on the planet. 

Mama Loves Natural Himalayan Pink Bath Salts are harvested from ancient sea beds and have been a valuable commodity that were only sold to noble and why they are known as “the salt of the kings”. The crystals vary in shades, depending on their iron content. They can be white pink or red.

Mama Loves Natural Himalayan Pink Bath Salts are mined and later washed before drying under the sun. Mama Loves Natural Himalayan Pink Bath Salt is well known for it’s 84 minerals and trace elements that are proven to be beneficial to the body and vital for continued good health. Mama Loves Natural Himalayan Pink Bath Salts promotes a healthy metabolism as well as supporting thyroid and adrenal functions whilst simultaneously aiding overall hormone balance in both men and women.

Benefits of Mama Loves Natural Himalayan Pink Bath Salts

  • Detoxification: Himalayan pink bath salts are known for their detoxifying properties. When dissolved in warm water, these salts help draw out toxins from the body, leaving Mama feeling rejuvenated and refreshed.

  • Skin Rejuvenation: The rich mineral content of Himalayan pink salt helps nourish the skin, promoting a healthy and radiant complexion. Mama loves how her skin feels soft and smooth after soaking in a bath infused with these salts.

  • Muscle Relaxation: After a stressful day, Mama finds relief in the soothing properties of Himalayan pink bath salts. The salts help relax tense muscles, relieving aches and pains, and allowing her to unwind fully.

  • Improved Sleep: A relaxing bath with Himalayan pink salts can also help Mama achieve a restful night's sleep. The calming effects of the salts promote relaxation and help prepare her mind and body for a peaceful slumber.

How to use Mama Loves Natural Himalayan Pink Bath Salts?

  • Fill the Tub: Start by filling the bathtub with warm water.

  • Add the Salts: Pour a generous amount of Himalayan pink bath salts into the water.

  • Swirl the Water: Gently swirl the water to dissolve the salts and evenly distribute them.

  • Soak and Relax: Step into the tub, sit back, and relax as you soak in the soothing bath.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use Mama Loves Natural Himalayan Pink Bath Salts if I have sensitive skin?

Yes, Mama Loves Natural Himalayan Pink Bath Salts are gentle on the skin and can be used even if you have sensitive skin. However, it is always recommended to do a patch test before full-body use.

How often can I use Mama Loves Natural Himalayan Pink Bath Salts?

You can use Mama Loves Natural Himalayan Pink Bath Salts 2-3 times a week, or as desired, to enjoy their benefits for relaxation and skin rejuvenation.

Can I use Mama Loves Natural Himalayan Pink Bath Salts if I am pregnant?

If you are pregnant, we always recommend seeking advising from your GP or qualified aromatherapist before using this product.

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