Product Categories
Birthing Pool Hire
Hire a birthing pool from Birth Supplies for a comfortable, safe home water birth experience. Affordable rates, hygienic, and fast delivery nationwide.
TENS to Hire or Buy
TENS machines for labour are a brilliant non chemical way to relieve pain in labour. We have a wide range of birth TENS machines to hire or buy and accessories
Birth Pool Liners
Say "Hello" to a clean and stress free waterbirth. Our range of liners ensure your pool is easier to clean and dry after use - and easier to store or sell on
Water Birth Accessories
Discover the best water birth accessories for a comfortable and safe home birth in a birth pool. Create a soothing environment for your water birth journey.
Birth Pools to Buy
Birthing pools offer excellent pain relief in labour. We have a range of birth pools to buy from MiaVia to La Bassine. Home Birth Supplies your birth, your way
Preparing yourself and your family for the arrival of a new baby within a medical setting, at home or in water for a smooth transition into parenthood.
Home birth supplies specialises in products for a home birth, including land or water options. Everything your midwife has asked you to get for your home birth.
Hospital Bag
Preparing a hospital bag makes sense even if you are planning to birth at home, If you need to go in you are not running round trying to remember what you need
Birth Balls and Stools
Complete range of Birthing Balls for Labour Birth and regaining fitness The Birthing Ball is a well know aid for active labour At Birth Supplies we
After the Birth and Healing
After Delivery Healing After baby is here your world is centred very much around your new addition Birth Supplies offers you a comprehensive
Colostrum and Breastfeeding supplies
Discover the benefits of colostrum and essential breastfeeding supplies. Get tips on preparing for nursing and ensuring your baby gets the best start in life.
Award winning products designed to aid babies transition from the womb to the world. From Swaddling to comforters.A happy & rested baby = a happy & rested mum
Midwives and Trade
Essential trade products for midwives & doulas, from tools to supplies. Support your practice with quality items designed for safe and effective maternity care.
Antiviral and Cleaning Products
Keep your space safe and clean with effective anti-viral and cleaning products. Explore solutions for hygiene, disinfection, and protection against viruses.
Available whilst stock
Welcome To Birth Supplies
Labour and Birth, Home or Hospital we have the largest range of birthing pools and products for Mums, Midwives, Doulas, Birth Centres and the NHS.

Birth Supplies works closely with Midwives, Doulas and Antenatal Teachers to bring together a range of products that are both practical and inexpensive for your birth. We can supply everything you need for a water birth, home birth or hospital delivery. We can help you look at your options and offer a listening ear with any queries.

We have a trained Doula, a trained midwife and a trained nurse working in our offices to offer you the best service we possibly can. Everyone in the office is also a parent, so we have experience from that side of the fence as well!

Mia Via Professional fully adjustable birthing pool -  Oasis birthing pools - Birth pool in a box - Made in water's LaBassine birth pool 
Our Featured Products
Complete Eden Pool Home Birth Package - EVERYTHING you need in one package
EVERYTHING you need in one Home Birth package
MiA ViA Tranquility PRO Birth Pool (contact us for prices)
MiA ViA Tranquility PRO Birth Pool (For Sale). For Home Birth Doula or Midwife - Home Birthing Pool , professional Birth Pool
Medela Swing Maxi Flex Double Electric Breast Pump
Medela Swing Maxi Flex Double Breast Pump
£179.99 £189.99
Lansinoh 2-in-1 Double Electric Breast Pump
Lansinoh 2-in-1 Double Electric Breast Pump
Dr Brown's Bottle Sterilser & Dryer
Dr Brown's Bottle Sterilser & Dryer
Our Latest Arrivals
Medela 3-in-1  Nursing and Pumping Bra
Medela 3-in-1 Nursing and Pumping Bra
Medela 3 in 1 Nursing and Pumping Bra
£36.99 £39.99
View Options
complete oasis elite pool home birth package - everything you need in one package
Complete Oasis Elite Pool Home Birth Package - EVERYTHING you need in one package
Complete Oasis Elite Home Birth package
medela specialneeds feeder
Medela SpecialNeeds Feeder
The SpecialNeeds Feeder is designed for babies with specialist feeding needs.
£19.99 £24.99
Complete Eden Pool Home Birth Package - EVERYTHING you need in one package
Complete Eden Pool Home Birth Package - EVERYTHING you need in one package
EVERYTHING you need in one Home Birth package
Perfect Mama+ TENS
Perfect Mama+ TENS
Perfect Mama+ TENS pain relief during and after labour.